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"Urisori" means "our sound" in Korean. This name is a way to express the uniqueness of Korean culture.

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Chulgang 출강

The song 'Chulgang' is played using the 25-string gayageum, typically in a group. However, it was originally created by Kim Yong-sil 김용실...

Sangju 상주모심기

Sanju is a song played on the 12-string gayageum, in a group. This piece was played during harvest season, providing encouragement for...

Gayageum 가야금

The Gayageum 가야금 is a traditional instrument, similar to a harp but traditionally played sitting down on the lap. 1. Historical Origins...

Pan Asia 2022

Performance at the Pan Asia 2022 Competition. Performed solo 'Crane Dance'. Won Gold Award.

Jindo Drum Dance 진도북춤

Jindo drum dance combines both dancing and drumming. Similar to the hourglass drum and one drum, it uses the basic foundations of both...

One Drum Dance 원북

One drum is a very simple dance that most kids learn and perform with the older students. It is a dance that can be performed by any age...

Crane Dance 학춤

Crane dance is an interesting dance that is "more" traditional compared to the other performances. The beats and music appeal more...

Hourglass Drum Dance 장고춤

The Hourglass Drum Dance is where the performers play an hourglass-shaped drum. The sound of the drum can be altered by laces that can be...

Three Drum Dance 삼북

Three drum is one of the harder dances for the older students. This is because it requires a ton of energy as well as some flexibility....

Fan Dance 부채춤

Fan dance is an audience favorite. The movements and images that the dancers create with the fans are so awe-ing, leaving the audience in...

Sword Dance 검무춤

Sword dance consists of dancing whilst swinging swords. The swords aren't too big and are easy to wield in your palms. The performers are...

Scarf Dance 화관무

Scarf Dance (pronounced hwagwanmu) is performed using scarfs (hence the name). Scarf Dance is usually taught after mask dance. The dance...

Mask Dance 탈춤

Mask Dance is the next routine most students learn after puppet dance. It is performed by ages 6-10. It is a comedical dance that amuses...

Puppet Dance 꼭두각시

📍 2015 USC La Festival of Books Photo Credits: Sarah M. Golonka (from Flickr) Puppet Dance, also known as 꼭두각시 in Korean, is a dance...

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